A Reasonable MVP Tech Stack

This is a quick summary of products needed to get a development team started. We can manage accounts for code repositories. GitLab is especially good because it is open-source, and it is highly customizable. It is one of several Team ‘infrastructure’ projects necessary for effectively building software.

This is a summary of code repository platforms with explanations:

  • Atlassian (firm)– the company with a suite of different project management tools, including Trello, Jira, BitBucket, and others. Jira, I think you said, is typically used at FDA for managing developer tasks.
  • Bitbucket (SAAS product) – is owned by Atlassian. It maintains your project code.
  • Github (SAAS product) – is owned by Microsoft. It is the most popular product for maintaining open-source project code. FDA has an account, here: https://github.com/fda. Private accounts cost firms >$50,000 before GitLab.
  • GitLab (open source SAAS product) – is an open source copy of Github. It can be deployed to an internal server and used freely for maintaining project code.

Important Team infrastructure necessary for effectively developing and operating software:

  • version control system (git)
  • code repository management (gitlab)
  • CI /CD and Test suite (gitlab, kubernetes, aws-eks)
  • knowledge base / publishing: site, reporting, wiki, pdfs (jupyter, hugo, pandoc, ??? )
  • project task and schedule management (jira)
  • project code-functionality accounting (scrumsaga)
  • container environment system (docker)
  • container deployment system (kubernetes)
  • cloud infrastructure: IAAS, SAAS, FAAS (aws)
  • site and infrastructure monitoring